Rad Hair Weekend Update
I had a very busy and productive, but awesome weekend! I did my first product giveaway, which didn't do as well as I thought it would. (Sad face) But one lucky winner named Karly S. won and will be getting some new fun product in the mail by the end of this week. Woot, Woot!! Congrats Karly S. and thanks for following!
I was super slammed this weekend doing hair and it was fun! Saturday inside the salon was insane for me,I love being overly busy, I love the energy everyone gives off. I got to do a lot of rad hair and I wish I had time to take some pictures of the fun do's I got to do, but I was running around like a crazy person, so there was no time for pictures. boo...pout face!! During my busy day inside the salon, I got to do a lovely wedding hair trial on a gorgeous bride as well as a funky fresh asymmetric undercut on a friend of mine. I don't think Saturday at work could have been any better! Then because there was no way in heck I felt like cooking dinner after a day like I had,my family and I got some yummy Thai takeout and vegged out. Perfect ending to Saturday.
I was super slammed this weekend doing hair and it was fun! Saturday inside the salon was insane for me,I love being overly busy, I love the energy everyone gives off. I got to do a lot of rad hair and I wish I had time to take some pictures of the fun do's I got to do, but I was running around like a crazy person, so there was no time for pictures. boo...pout face!! During my busy day inside the salon, I got to do a lovely wedding hair trial on a gorgeous bride as well as a funky fresh asymmetric undercut on a friend of mine. I don't think Saturday at work could have been any better! Then because there was no way in heck I felt like cooking dinner after a day like I had,my family and I got some yummy Thai takeout and vegged out. Perfect ending to Saturday.
Sunday morning I got the opportunity to do hair for a fun photo shoot with this amazingly talented photographer Evan Romine. You need to check out his work, he is brilliant! The model we used for the shoot was Kaci Anne Hill. She is this hot little red head number, and LA watch out, because she is headed your way and she is going to kill it! During our fun shoot today, we basically played around with some cool ideas during the shoot, it was pretty laid back which was perfect for my mood. We went on location to a few awesome spots Evan had found and it was a totally success!
The first shoot we did a fun curly fro. Kacy has beautiful naturally red hair with a slight curl to it, so I decided to curl it with a small curling iron and fro it out.The second look she wore a plaid shirt with some denim shorts, so we went with the good ol milk maid braid, and it turned out awesome! Something about redheads, and braids give it such a gorgeous boho feel. The last look she wore an amazing spiky bra, so Evan wanted to go more editorial, so we went with an ultra high and funky Pompadour. The shoot was a total success and I had a really extremely fun day.
I had to end my fun, hair filled weekend with my family and friends of course, so we went and met up with a good friend of mine after my Sunday photo shoot and got our kids together. It was awesome seeing my friend, and it was a great way to end my fabulous weekend! How was your weekend?