Hot Tot Hair Care Review

What mom out there doesn't want the best for their wee ones? I recently stumble across Hot Tot Hair Care on Instagram and contacted them so that I could get my hands on some of their organic kids hair care products. Can I just say that I'm soooooo glad that I did! Not only am I a huge fan of natural organic products, I'm a fan of having quality and organic hair care products for my babes. It's something that is very important to me when choosing products for my little ones. 

For those of you who don't know, I have a toddler named Magnolia. She was blessed with thick locks since birth. Magnolia, like many other toddlers hates to have her hair shampooed and brushed. Doesn't she know mama has a reputation to uphold??? Every night its a struggle to get her hair wet, let alone shampooed. So when I received hot tot shampoo, conditioner and finishing mist aka detangler. I got overly excited because I knew my Magnolia was going to get a kick out of having her own special shampoo especially the fact that it has a crown on the bottle. (key selling point to my little princess!)

The first time using the product I was really pleased with it. There are no harsh chemicals, it suds up nicely and has a pleasant cabbage patch sent. I'm loving the shampoo and conditioner, but whats been a god send, has been the hot tot detangler!! I spray a little bit of this all over and before I know it I'm gliding my brush through my daughters hair. And get this…..she isn't even making a fuss about it.

Love their products and I think you out there with little ones will love their products too!