
Hey, hey to all of my lovely Arizona friends!! I just want to remind all of you about the Pepperologie event in Phoenix! Ticket sales end on October 18th, and we only have SIX spots left, so I have a feeling that they’ll be gone before then!  [Grab yours right here, and bring a friend to earn $100 off both full-price tickets!]

Here’s what your going to get to experience:
  • Fall Fashion // Learn the in’s and out’s of assembling your own capsule wardrobe collection with Alexandra!
  • Health & Fitness // Lauren is going to be helping you create a custom work out plan, plus sharing her best healthy swaps for the holidays!
  • Holiday Hair // Jenny will share a step-by-step guide to glamorous waves (perfect for upcoming parties!), and little take-home tools that make for lovely locks!
  • Creative Entertaining // The perfectly wrapped present will never allude you again… How to wrap like a pro and other tips/tricks from our DIY expert, Summer!
  • Heart & Soul // Caring more about your inside than your outside is what counts, and Jessie with Style & Pepper will be sharing ways to embrace your inner beauty, straight from my heart.
It's going to be amazing!! Come join me and all of your favorite local lifestyle bloggers for this wonderful event!